Technology and STEM

Moderation state
Grant Applicant
Erica Allstadt, Michelle Reed, Crystal Bailey, Holly Williamson, Graham Johns
Grant Category
Grant Date

An enrichment we would like to begin is in science and technology.  Students have been very excited about coding skills they are learning during one of our enrichment blocks but we would like to extend this science and technology with the purchase the Lego Robotics Program as well as Ozobot Evo Robots that kids can code and watch their work in action. We currently are only using chromebooks and we could extend learning in science, technology, and engineering so much further and deeper. We really want to bring science to life with these tools that we have not been able to afford.

The podcast microphones will allow students to bring their writing and research to life.  Writing and researching with a purpose and an audience better engages students in the writing process and listening & speaking standards. Students will be able to connect to our local community and parents through their podcasts.

Benefits of Program

The benefits of this grant directly impact students, which is always at the heart of our decision making. Through these two purchases, students will see NGSS standards come to life.  Ozobots and the Lego Robotics apply force and emotion, basic physics, coding and computer technology, and many other 21st Century Skills. Students will participate in cooperative learning experiences and gain knowledge in the mathematical practices. 

The podcast microphones benefit the students because it allows students to see the purpose behind writing and that it and their voices can have an impact on the world around them. True learning occurs when students are able to experience and the application of knowledge within their world.


Success of Program

Success will be defined when students demonstrate better problem solving skills, ability to work in teams and create designs that fit certain needs, and a stronger conceptual understanding of mathematical practices.  Students will increase their public speaking skills as well as deepen their structure in writing, use of vocabulary based on content and audience, and build confidence in public speaking, which are major tools for career and college readiness. 



The robotics will be implemented both during in classroom opportunities as well as during time set aside for after school or during lunch.  All grade levels and classrooms will be allowed to participate in the robotics programs. The podcast microphones will be used in the 4/5 classroom with some use by the younger classes.  They will apply these to their language arts program throughout the school year.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Grade levels will be sharing these throughout the year and parents are on board to participate in after school clubs, lunch groups, and to be active participants in daily instruction.

With organization and care, this will all be a one-time purchase. Small robotics parts and replacements are affordable costs that we can take from our school tech funds if additional materials or replacements are needed.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$320 - Lego Education SPIKE Essential Set (1 set)
$2050 - Ozobot Evo Classroom Kit (1 set)
$198 - Classroom Podcast Microphones (2 at $99 piece)
Other funding sources

This is a large purchase that would take significant fund raising to pull off. We've been discussing these items for years but haven't found the right time to go forward with purchasing which is why we are putting in for the grant. Families, staff, and students are excited about the possibility of these resources but it is not in our budget at this time.  With all of the difficult times we continuously find ourselves trying to overcome, this would really bring excitement and a new energy to students' learning.