Recognizing Heroes
Celebrating Excellence

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Celebrating Innovators in THE CLASSROOM
Nominated by parents, teachers, students, and community members, the Linda Brown Fellows Awards are presented to teachers who demonstrate creativity, exceptional merit, dedication to innovation, and a commitment to making learning exciting every day. Recipients receive a $2,000 grant for educational enhancement and $1,000 for personal use.
Heidi Bushway Verkler is involved in almost everything our school does to improve. She is dedicated to providing the best our school can offer to students and their families. Heidi is a true pro!
Our students are so incredibly to have Brittany Rose as a safe, caring adult and a music teacher. After every performance, the students and staff are left inspired, proud, and sometimes teary eyed.
Bernard Cirullo, District Maintenance, improves his skills within his discipline so that he can take on more complicated repairs that we would ordinarily assign to a contractor at an increased expense to the district.
Chef Kelly Frankenberg hosts a Grow Lettuce stand and grows, maintains, and uses all the lettuce, kale, spinach, and herbs that grow there in the salad bar she preps every day.
2023/2024 Award Winners
Linda Brown Fellows Recipients:
Rachel Barker, North Tahoe High School
Natalia Tomasello, Alder Creek Middle School
Katie Ravey, Truckee Elementary
Allison Everist, Tahoe Lake Elementary
Ashley Perkins, Truckee Elementary
Star Award Recipients:
Juana Torres, Food Services
Pedro Apolinar, Alder Creek Middle School
Hugo Najera-Rivas, Transportation
Danita “Dani” Saraceno, Food Services
Becca Wing, Student Service
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