"It's all about practice. AR encourages substantial differentiated reading practice to create strong readers. Based on each student's independent reading level, AR helps teachers set personalized goals for each student, and guide students to books difficult enough to keep them challenged, but not so difficult to cause frustration. In addition
School Site
Truckee High School
Grant Category
The objective of the poets-in-residence program is to provide a poetic outlet for students to build critical thinking skills, academic and personal confidence, creative writing skills, as well as a greater understanding of the self in relation to community and society.
School Site
Truckee Elementary
Grant Category
There are three main objectives for this project. Primarily, iPads in the ELD classroom will increase accessibility of technology to our EL population. Secondarily, this technology will enhance our district adopted Avenues curriculum and aide to the implementation of California Common Core Standards. Finally, this project will easily differentiate activities
School Site
Kings Beach Elementary
Grant Category
Our objective is always to support high levels of learning for all students. Research has shown that soundfield amplification systems are the most cost-effective technology for faciliteing classroom listening, and therefore increasing student achievement. Students must be able to hear instruction in order to learn, and often the interference noise
School Site
Tahoe Lake Elementary
Grant Category
To increase all students ability to achieve at high levels by maximizing their ability to attend to instruction in all instructional areas on campus.
School Site
Tahoe Lake Elementary
Grant Category
This program will give families home support for our dual-language program in reading and language development throughout the school year. It will increase fluency by giving students quality Spanish books to practice at home with. It will provide books for this year, but we are hoping to re-use most of
School Site
Kings Beach Elementary
Grant Category
By incorporating the Shurley English supplemental program, students will have a deeper understanding of the foundations of grammar concepts. This knowledge will transfer to all other curricular areas as they incorporate their new-found skills elsewhere. Please refer to the atttached documentation for full details.
School Site
Alder Creek Middle School
Grant Category
ELD students will be able to practice reading fluency by recording their voices. Students will also be able to create presentations which will be recorded (video and audio) to evaluate fluency, vocabulary and speaking skills. As per California State ELD standards, students will develop oral communication that allows for social
School Site
Alder Creek Middle School
Grant Category
Establish a collection of eBooks available for TTUSD students through the libraries of Truckee High School, North Tahoe Schools and Alder Creek Middle School. Students would have access to library eBooks at any time. Ebooks could be used for research, assigned reading or free reading. Students would be able to
School Site
Alder Creek Middle School
North Tahoe High School
North Tahoe School
Truckee High School
Grant Category