Students in third grade have a difficult time conceptualizing fractions when comparing them and when creating equivalent fractions. We have circular fraction tiles but when students need to make the relationship from physically moving the fractions to beginning to draw them (as necessary in the progression of understanding) students struggle
School Site
Donner Trail Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada, has a Citizen Science project to research the correlation of snow flake shapes and weather conditions. Tahoe Lake Elementary was one of the schools selected to be part of their sponsored project this past year. As such we were able to borrow a number
School Site
Tahoe Lake Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
Part of what Measure AA sponsors are the elementary science labs. Glenshire Elementary's Science Lab benefits from having a class set of The Laws Guide to the Sierra Nevada. Tahoe Lake Elementary would also benefit from a set of these, as I work at both elementary schools, and have used
School Site
Tahoe Lake Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
Weekly newspapers covering Social Studies, Science and current events to enhance our literacy and knowledge of given topics. The topics all correlate to what is being taught in kindergarten.
School Site
Truckee Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
History/ Social Science
Mathematics & Science
Dreambox learning is an online adaptive program that is completely common core standards based. Students are able to login and interactively practice standards that adapt automatically to their needs or their acceleration. Teachers are able to assign by skills and standards or can just allow students to "play" without knowing
School Site
Donner Trail Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
The 1st Grade STEAM grant will give students access to weekly STEAM activities, directly boosting their understanding of core mathematical and science concepts, allowing teachers to more effectively hit engineering standards, and increase Spanish oral and written production.
School Site
Kings Beach Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
These kits will whole class to invent and build simple solar-electric machines that run on light. This is for the purchase of two classroom kits of 15 Solardrive components, with additional tools and materials. Renewable and re-usable, the SolRun kit enables students to explore and invent solar-powered machines. Hands-on Solar
School Site
Donner Trail Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science
This larger than life way to teach young people the power of maps and the limitless depth of geography using a half court-sized map of a continent or a classroom-sized state map on which they can explore, travel around, compete, collaborate and have lots of fun. The National Geographic Giant
School Site
Donner Trail Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
History/ Social Science
Mathematics & Science
Weekly newspapers covering Social Studies, Science and current events to enhance our literacy and knowledge of given topics. The topics are all what is being taught in the Kindergarten Classrooms.
School Site
Truckee Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
History/ Social Science
Mathematics & Science
This grant is being written for all Donner Trail Elementary students to be able to observe the live feed from the International Space Station all day, everyday using ISS-Above! The ISS-Above tracks the International Space Station and displays information screens and live video from the external cameras on the ISS.ISS-ABOVE
School Site
Donner Trail Elementary
Grant Date
Grant Category
Mathematics & Science