Dynamath Magazine

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Other Applicants

Sara Kuttel, Ashley Staron, Stacey Rodarte, Katie Flynn

School Site
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Grant Category
Grant Date

To add enrichment magazines to our common core standard based currirulum to teach language arts skills, comprehension of math skills and information.

Success of Program

Comprehension questions from teacher's edition, class discussions, going deeper and exploring topics of high interest.


Children will read their own Scholastic Magazine during Daily 3 and discuss with each other and the class comprehension questions, answer questions included in each magazine, and go deeper into topics that are of high interest.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Yes!  The fourth grade team works collaboratively planning and implementing lessons that fit our common core curriculum and standards.  This grant is being submitted in behalf of the 4th grade team:  Stacey Rodarte, Ashley Staron, Katie Flynn, and Sara Kuttel


These magazines will be incorporated into teaching Daily 3 Language Arts and ELD. Math now requires writing and Dyna Math would be a great tool to teach math skills and concepts giving children the opportunity to discover different ways math fills our world, making writing and reading about math more accessible and fun.


These magazines are for use in 3 classes (Rodarte, Kuttel/Flynn and Staron). We know there is a consumable limit of $400 per class, this request is for 3 different classes.