Electronic Balances for NTHS Science

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Todd Hennings

Caroline Howland

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

Increasing the number of electronic balances at NTHS would allow science teachers to integrate them into lessons and labs more frequently.  Now the science department has 5 balances and we share them as best we can, however with such a small number we often run into conflict if more than one teacher wants to use them during a given period.  Adding 3 balances to our collection would ease the demand.  

Success of Program

If more classes and students are able to use the balances with less inconvience of sharing during a given period the grant will have proven successful.  


The electronic balances are used for labs that span all our science courses including  life science, biology,  AP biology, chemistry, AP Chemistry, physics,  AP physics and AP Environmental science

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

The science department at NTHS has 2 goals for the 2014/15 school year.  Increase rigor, by requiring higher level thinking skils (DOK level 4 questions) and integrating more technology into our courses.  The balance will help us offer more labs using technology which can then lead to the opportunity to ask the students to draw conclusions from their findings.  

Other funding sources
We have considered using Measure A money, however the science department has many need for labs and lessons, so we are looking to fund items from multiple sources.