Lab Coats for NTHS Science

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Todd Hennings

Caroline Howland

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

The objective is to increase the number and range of labs performed at NTHS by having the required saftey equiptment.  

Success of Program

If the NTHS science department is able to offer more labs and in a safer setting the purchase will have proved successful. 


The lab coats would be available to all lab classes and encouraged to be worn during labs that coantain harmful chemicals and or animal perservative.  

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

The NTHS science PLC is constantly working on increasing opportunities for students to use 21 century skills, as well as implimenting the Common Core standards.  Labs require students to collaborate, communicate, and often use technology.  In addition to this labs also require students to use many of the Common Core SMPs (Standards in Mathmatical Practice) such as; attention to detail and precision, making sense of problems and perservering to solve them, constructing viable arguments and to critique the reasoning of others,  use of appropriate tools, modelling and reasoning abstractly and quantitatively.  Increasing the number of lab coats would foster the implimentation of the 21 century skills and the common core standards.  

Other funding sources
There are measure A funds allocated to science, however there are many materials needed to run a science program throughout the year.