NTHS Physical Education Enhancement - Gym Use Projector/Screen

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Grant Cycle

The gym use projector and standalone screen would enhance visual learning in the gym where there are currently no efficient resources available. 

Success of Program

Physical and written assessments would be built around daily visuals. 


The projector and portable foldable, standalone screen would be stored in the gym's locked PE storage for easy access/storage and would be able to connect to the gym's built-in sound system for optimal audio. There are multiple methods of implementation in PE classes including video demonstrations such as sport-specific offense/defense strategies and court placement, live online fitness classes, guest speakers/fitness instructor guests via skype, class video re-plays for group analyzation and endless fitness videos for curriculum enhancement. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant could tie into my PLC as the screen and projector will be small and easily portable for many teachers and coaches to use, including the middle school PE teacher. 

Other funding sources
This purchase would exhaust funds allocated to PE equipment and curriculum ehancement
These specific projector and screen models can be changed to cheaper models if needed.