Stabili-T Stools

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Stabili-T Stools will help students improve and strengthen their core muscle groups and posture while learning in the classroom. These Stabili-T Stools are proven to increase focus and attention in the classroom and enhance communication skills. Implementing alternative seating choices will help meet the changing needs of today's students. 

Success of Program

While there are many ways to measure success and achievement, the Stabili-T Stools will show improvement in many non-traditional areas:

  1. Students will improve their focus and concentration in the classrroom setting and in turn will complete assignments at a higher quality with more accuracy.
  2. Students will become more actively engaged in the classroom.
  3. Provides students with an active outlet without disrupting their learning environment.
  4. Increase their phyical fitness by strengthening core muscle groups.
  5. Improving attendance rates because students are motivated to come to school.
  6. Proven to be successful in helping special needs students (ADHD, autism).
  7. Build a sense of community within the classroom.
  8. Students will become independent learners.

Once the Stabili-T Stools are purchased, they will be used in the 2nd/3rd grade classroom for general education and physical education purposes. The stools are proven to help students improve their ability to complete work and stay focused for longer periods of time. The stools help hyperactive students maintain a level of concentration that is not possible in traditional seating options. 

Students initially will have the option to sit in their traditional seats, or choose a Stabili-T Stool. I currently have 4 wooden T-stools in the classroom and students choose to sit on these stools over their traditional seats daily. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Yes. These stools will be available to students in both crews, and used directly in our morining meetings, classroom learning, and active play.

Other funding sources

Limited funding is available through our school fundraising efforts - Bear Walk.

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Sierra Expeditionary Learning School is an independent Charter School authorized in the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District. At SELS, we strive to enhance the learning experience of our students by using best practices in the field of education.


Currently our 4th/5th grade classroom is using stand up desks. These Stabili-T Stools will help prepare students for the increased demands of standing all day by strengthening their core muscle groups. These stools provide the same health and learning benefits as a Stability Ball without the distraction of the balls bouncing and rolling all around the classroom.