Time for Kids Magazine x 5, Second Grade

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Grant Applicant
Darcy Blond
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date

Time For Kids is a magazine subscription that provides students with information on current events and timely discussions. 

TIME, the trusted name in journalism, offers authentic journalism tailored for students. TIME for Kids supports standards-based daily instruction while inspiring students to join the national discourse on current topics. The articles engage students with the world through authentic, rigorous texts worth studying. They empower students to read analytically and engage in rich discourse with supportive lessons and resources. They inspire students to respond, act, and grow as global citizens.


Benefits of Program

This source of literacy covers current social, historical, science, technological and health related topics that are engaging and rigorous. TFK engages students in reading while provoking them to develop opinions on current debates (e.g. should it be a law that you are not allowed to cross the street while texting? Should toys be separated by gender in toy stores? etc. ) In my personal opinion TFK is especially beneficial to our students because of their focus on other countries and global issues. Because we live in a small town, intentional exposure to the larger world is very important. Students are able to see and use text features, understand the point of view and author's purpose in the TFK magazines. The magazines are beneficial especially for our advanced readers because of their rigorous content, but attainable for our students who are still developing their learning skills.

Success of Program

This program will enhance the classroom by providing literature that is rigorous yet attainable, providing thought provoking content. This program meets numerous literacy standards and addresses current innovations in science, technology, health and social issues. Student success can be measured in improvements of student close reading and critical thinking skills. The topics presented will be discussed in academic conversations during English Language Development. 



Each month each classroom gets four to five magazines to share with the class. This gives teachers an opportunity to read a Time For Kids magazine at least once a week in a 30 - 45 minute time period. This will be done during our English Language Development classes. Each teacher will support students in accessing the content in a scaffolded way depending on the group and give students opportunities to practice academic discourse.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?


No, this is a consumable item. However, the skills that are learned and practiced with the topics of these magazines will be invaluable and used by children for years to come.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$80 - Time for kids magazine $4.50 each
Budget Notes

The prices above are with a renewal discount of $4.50 plus $.45(shipping) equalling $4.95 per student. There are not Title 1 discounts for this item, but please see the attached letter to see how TFK aligns with Title 1 goals.
