Comin' Round the Mountain With a Ukelele on my Knee

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This grant would serve to engage student learning of the Social Studies curriculum through the use of historical songs, while providing a much needed music curriculum for 4th and 5th grade students at Truckee Elementary.

Success of Program

Student success would be measured by level of engagement, and ability to learn and play the simple chords needed for mastery of the songs. The history behind each song would be taught. Students will learn not only the words to the songs, but also the significance of the songs as related to history.


The class set of ukeleles would be shared by the 4th and 5th grades. Teachers would agree upon how to divide the time according to their curricular needs. For example, when teaching the Gold Rush 4th grade teachers would teach the song Clementine. 5th grade teachers would teach Yankee Doodle during their study of the American Revolution. Claudia Waters, the expert, has suggested that we start by teaching the chords with a well written, easy to understand, children's book written by Mel Bay. Then, she has agreed to arrange the historical songs for us, including providing pictures of the chords, all to be copied and bound into a songbook using the resources @ TE.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

We are always looking for ways to tie our Social Studies curriculum to other curricular areas. Because 4th and 5th grade lost their music program due to cuts this year, we want to bring music into our individual classes while integrating it with Social Studies. We will be collaborating with teachers from Glenshire school to learn the instrument, and working together to practice and research the stories behind the songs, in turn, passing on the skills and knowledge to the students.

Other funding sources
Glenshire teachers Claudia Waters and Andie Beatie, both masters of the ukelele, have agreed to help by providing inservice to TE teachers. We'd like to ask for buy back time for this cross school collaboration. We will need 4-6 hours of training, hoping for 2-3 after school meetings to learn the basics and how best to present the lessons to the students. Claudia has several ukelele students at Glenshire, lessons are provided to students during class and also through an after school program. They have found great success and student interest with the ukeleles and are excited to share their knowledge and to help get a program started at TE.
Mrs. Simpson was asked about the availability of Measure A funds through our K-3 music program, but they are earmarked for the repair/replacement of parts for the Orff instruments.