iPads For the ELD Classroom

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Paula Bossler-Technology Teacher

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

There are three main objectives for this project. Primarily, iPads in the ELD classroom will increase accessibility of technology to our EL population.  Secondarily, this technology will enhance our district adopted Avenues curriculum and aide to the implementation of California Common Core Standards.  Finally, this project will easily differentiate activities and lessons to students' ELD levels, as well as increase expectations and skills of ELs. 

Success of Program

Students will be given 21st century skills through critical thinking, connecting, communicating, creating and working collaboratively.  To keep up with the neccessities of being literate with technology, students will be able to access different apps to improve literacy.  These apps range from having the students build flash cards with high frequency vocabulary to putting together a play or story with complex literary structures. Included with the apps are progress reports that students will take screenshots of and send to me, which I will then print and place in student folders. Then this information will be available for all teachers and aides to view and analyze. This data will be a great measure of student progress. 


Implementation of the iPad project in the ELD classroom should be fairly easy as most students will already be familiar with how to use the iPad and rules for care and use.  I plan to use the iPads as a way of differentiating in the classroom.  iPads will make it possible to have each student work at their ability level that is customizable to fit their needs and intervene in content areas that have not been targeted. It will allow me to successfully work in small groups and give students the independence and confidence they will need using 21st century skills.  It will also be a continuum from their homerooms.  Being labeled as an ELD student can bring down a student's confidence and make a student feel like they are missing out on activities in their homeroom classroom. Therefore, having this technology, I will be able to increase student motiviation and performance in the ELD classroom. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Kings Beach Elementary has currently purchased iPads for all classroom teachers for use in stations in classrooms. Our staff has recently been trained on the use of iPads in the classroom and is working together on creating a list of apps for teachers to share in their classrooms.  Several staff members recently returned from  a technology conference and are excited to share a great number of apps geared toward ELD students.  Our ELD PLC, is meeting several times this year to see how we can differentiate instruction and move towards the Common Core Standards. Synthesizing all of this information with apps and technology for the ELD students will provide a better means for success among ELs. 


Other funding sources
All teachers are using iPads in the classroom with the exception of Music, P.E., Science and ELD due to lack of funding. We have 150 English Learners at Kings Beach Elementary. The number of students I work with varies, but I consistently teach 50 or more EL students per day.
District funds have already been allocated towards other technology and supplies.