Desired Results Technology

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By using technology we will be able use one tool to manage our DRDP's. The DRDP is a manatory tool that we must use to track the develpment of our children. In turn this helps our child develepment staff in providing curriculum based on the childrens individual and group develemopmental stages. The state has develpoed a DRDP App and the DRDP Cloud where we can collect data, make portfolios for each child and complete our reports using technology. We currently need to go into Sierra High to use a computer to transfer information into the data base from our observational notes. With the I-Pads we will have one in each classroom and the the third used by the program director to streamline the DRDP process. Each child development teacher will be able to create portfolios for their primary children and add photos and video to the observations in real time. The program director will be able to have access to all of the DRDP's to help get reports to the state in a timely fashion with all of the data in one spot. 

Success of Program

We know that this will be successful in that it will help with brining our center into the technology loop helping to streamline all of our childrens observations and work into one space. All of the staff has been working on their first DRDP's and doing it via the computer has already made things faster and easier for the teachers. They love the DRDP-Cloud and are excited about being able to incorporate the DRDP App and having their childrens portfolios in one spot. The staff using the programs and feeling successful in their efforts is really important as it carries over into the work with the children. Another thing we will be able to do with the use of I-Pads is show the teen parents what develpment looks like by showing them what their children have been doing in the center while they are at school. Explaining to the teen parents about literacy, the difference between large motor and fine motor skills and the overall develpmental growth of their child. This will be an added learning tool. 


Witht he I-Pads we will be able to capture photos, videos and observational notes in one space making it easier for us to edit and add to the childs portfolio. Currently we have had to do this all by hand developing and adding photos later to the observations, keeping all in binders on each child taking up valuable space and using too much paper. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

As a staff we will be able to help support each other with learning and navigating technology. We will be able to share observations and share suggestions on how to better serve our children. 

This grant will be used for ages 0-36 months and for the purpose of teaching their parents about the development of where their child is at.
I added 1.5% for shipping and 8.125% for tax.