Historical Fiction Literature Circle Extension

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Grant Category
Grant Cycle

These Historical Fiction Literature Circles will offer students the opportunity to work in groups with both primary sources and the selected Historical Fiction to collaboratively build a persuasive essay. Students will work with the text by analyzing the evidence through a technological platform, continuously sharing and collaborating directly with one another. Additionally, students will receive consistent instructor feedback to ensure understanding is present. At the end of this program, students will have successfully read, comprehended and analyzed Civil War specific Historical Fiction, ultimately addressing both Social Science and English Language Arts Common CORE literacy standards.  

Success of Program

Similar to last year, students will be asked to collaborate, create reading guides throughout the text and then be formally assessed through a summative persuasive essay. Informal and formal formative assessments will occur throughout the reading process to ensure that students are accurately annotating the texts and making the deeper connections between the primary resources and the Historical Fiction provided. Students will also be assessed on the method of technology in which they wish to display their knowledge. 


When received, these additional texts will supplement the novels received from last year's grant. Together the texts will be distributed based on student's current STAR reading levels to ensure accurate differentitation. Students will be given the assignment expectations along with a rubric and then allowed time to work. Reading both in and out of the class, students will keep running analytical reading guides as a group using their Chromebooks. Primary resources will be provided for comparison to the Historical Fiction texts available. Once the texts have been completed students will then take their understanding and apply this through a persuasive essay. To ensure interest and a high level of rigor, students will be encouraged to present this final essay in a technological platform that they feel suits their argument. This assignment will occur in Spring, 2015. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant will tie in perfectly with our current PLC goals. On site and in accordance with our District wide PLC, we have been working collaboratively to incorporate as much reading into the classroom as possible. This grant not only provides differntitaiton opportunites, as each text selected will accommodate various levels of ability and interest, but directly supports the focus of citing specific textual evidence in a persuasive argument. 

Other funding sources
The current Measure A funds that are allocated to my classroom are structured primarily for Enrichment RTI. This grant will only supplement the current 8th graders and is an extension request from a grant fulfilled last year and as a result, I was advised to apply directly through Excellence in Education. I have spoken with the Librarian and she was able to secure three audio books and additional copies, but I am still in need of extra copies of the books requested last year as well as head phones for the students who cannot supply their own.
The grant request fulfilled last year, supplemented both 7th and 8th grade students with Historical Fiction class sets at North Tahoe School. Due to an increased 8th grade class pushing through this year, additional materials are needed to continue the program. The materials requested for last year are currently enough to cover the needs of the current 7th grade class.
The items listed in the request above are all price quoted through Amazon.com. Thank you in advance for your consideration.