Hotplates for NTHS Science

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Todd Hennings

Caroline Howland

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

These are used in all science classes taught here are NTHS; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, AP Environmental Science.  The NTHS science department has 5 total hot plates, this means that not all lab groups in a class have thier own, which can sometimes be tricky.  In addition if there are 2 classes that need the hotplates use is limited.  

Success of Program

If there is less competition to use hotplate in classes and amoung classes this will be a success. 


Use in all scince classes 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Increasing the number of hotplates would increase the lab capabilities.  Labs are an integral part of all science classes.  As a science department our PLC goals are to increase the use of technology and increase the rigor by including more analysis & sysnthesis questions (Level 4 DOK questions).  

Other funding sources
The science department does have measure A money, however there are many consumable needs, materials and supplies that need to be purchased as well.