By using technology we will be able use one tool to manage our DRDP's. The DRDP is a manatory tool that we must use to track the develpment of our children. In turn this helps our child develepment staff in providing curriculum based on the childrens individual and group develemopmental
School Site
Sierra High School
Grant Category
The objective of this program is to provide quality, functional projectors for every ACMS classroom so that the Common Core may be implemented successfully and so that all students may be engaged through visual and multimedia learning experiences. As students are immersed in technology through Common Core curriculum, they become
School Site
Alder Creek Middle School
Grant Category
I will use song to teach themes, vocabulary, actions, concepts, skills, and movement (BFIT) using an ipod and speakers. Kindergartners learn so much through song and movement. I will use the ipod/speakers to teach my class (25 students) language arts, math and another class (25 students) English Language Development. All
School Site
Kings Beach Elementary
Grant Category
Technology is an increasingly important tool in the classroom to support student learning. Ipads are highly portable, and all students can easily access all ipad apps and data. Ipads can be used in centers, for students to present culminating projects, for students to take DSAs on, for research, for data
School Site
Tahoe Lake Elementary
Grant Category
Students and teachers will be able to display any monitor, iPad, iPhone or iTouch to the flat screen TV in the library so the learning experience is streamlined. The NTHS/NTS Library Connect Up configuration will be used as prototype of presentation for other learning environments.
School Site
North Tahoe High School
North Tahoe School
Grant Category
School Site
Kings Beach Elementary
Grant Category
School Site
Rideout Elementary (legacy)
Grant Category